Friday 9 April 2021

As I mentioned recently....

 .....I have been working on some Sketches of William for people to download and ultimately add to my website as a pdf. downloadable print.  

Here's the first sketch which I'll use as a Freebie test piece.  Yes, there are pencil outer lines - all part of the sketching process and that's really what this is about.  These will be sketches done spontaneously with rough edges included and basically as I see the things that William does.

Now, this is where I could do with your feedback.  If any of you are able to use the code (I'll add it under this text) and let me know if it Prints okay.  Then at least I will know I'm on the right tracks with other sketches.   Note:  Obviously this does depend on your own printer/paper/ink capabilities.



robin cox walsh said...

Testing...1...2...3...testing.... It printed beautifully on my cheapo Brother printer! :D

Eileen H said...

Yay, it worked for me, I've printed it out.

William Adventures & Sketches said...

Hi Robin and Hi Eileen.....THANK YOU BOTH SO MUCH. It’s great to know that this works 👍🖨....Happy Dance time 💃💃💃

Sue said...

Printed perfecto for me! Now...what to do with it???!!!

Anonymous said...

I have no printer. but I'm glad it worked!

William Adventures & Sketches said...

Sue....glad it printed for you okay......a large Bookmark perhaps?! ;)

Tammy....the funny thing is, we have a printer that has the habit of going on strike! hence I was reliant on others to let me know how this worked 🤣 - anyway, there's always the url, so if you wanted a print of it sometime perhaps a friend would help out for you:

sandy said...

That's a nice idea. I would test it but my printer isnn't working.

William Adventures & Sketches said...

Sandy....keep a note of this anyway, I hope you get your printer fixed 🖨🙂