Thursday 13 August 2020

Sunny weather with .....

~ the dear old lad has arthritis, so is now started on meds.
Here's hoping he can enjoy some comfortable times ahead ~


robin cox walsh said...

Aw, poor William. Getting old ain't for sissies! Hang in there! ;)

Eileen H said...

Aww poor William, take it easy my dear old friend xx

William Adventures & Sketches said...

Robin.....Thanks. The vet was so nice, even though we could not go into the vets with William - we had to hand him over at the door :( Everything is so strange at the moment with this virus business. Having said that though, we had parked behind the vets and phoned to let them know we had arrived for the appointment. The vet spoke to us about our concerns for William, so she was fully aware of everything before we handed him over. When he came back out, the vet explained everything and also about the meds he is now on. We're hoping that little by little he will improve and have a comfy time.

Eileen....Thanks so much. Apart from his back legs getting wobbly, in himself he is as crafty as ever. He certainly tells us when he wants a treat, or a fresh drink of water (apparently warmish water is simply not good enough for this lad) 🤣

Sue said...

Our former cat, Savannah, was on an arthritis med for the last 5 years of her life. We had to make her "steps" to get up on the bed and couch, but other than that, I think her quality of life improved. WE take meds for our "ailments" why shouldn't our furry family members be able to do the same if it's available?!
Hope the meds can bring William some relief.

robin cox walsh said...

Oh, Ann...... That must have been difficult. To send William in to see the Dr alone! Not sure how I would have handled that. Good thing he's a 'people person'. I'll keep my fingers crossed that the new meds give him some relief. :)

Anonymous said...

he's a courageous boy! and I don't like luke warm water either! LOL.
I'm so glad you got him the meds so soon. I bet it makes a great difference. he has the spirit we all need! hugs to that special lad. from way over here in this HOT and landlocked USA state! he and I dream of the ocean and beach! XOXOXO

William Adventures & Sketches said...'s very encouraging to know that your Savannah had been so fortunate to be on the meds for 5 years. We hope for more time with William and time indeed will tell ♡

Robin....we were worried about him going in on his own, but as it turned out the doggie doctor was so nice, thank goodness.

Tammy....It should take about a week or two to see a difference with the meds. The concern is his muscles on the back legs that have reduced. We're giving him little walks regularly through the day, plus he does walk upstairs in the house. Fingers crossed 🤞

sandy said...

sending LOTS of love to William -

William Adventures & Sketches said...

Thanks Sandy 🙂