Friday, 5 June 2020

So nosey

When it comes to putting William back on his lead,

he ALWAYS looks around to find out WHY!


Sue said...

Like those of us humans who don't like being told what to do!

robin cox walsh said...

LOL Sounds reasonable to me! ;)

Eileen H said...

Aww why spoil his fun. You know whose side I'm on :)

William Adventures & Sketches said...

Sue...absolutely 🤣

Robin...and it is sooo annoying! ( in a nice way )🤣

Eileen...nope! would never have guessed! 🤣

sandy said...

ahh where we going - ..what's happening .... who all is going ....will there be balls to chase. He has so many questions about what's ahead... and he is so cute.

William Adventures & Sketches said...

Sandy....he always questions things we do, but then we do try to Explain things to him. ... Yep! we've lost the plot somewhere along the line 😂