Saturday, 2 May 2020

Lucky I still have the same sunhat from ages back...

.....because our little 'lockdown visitor' is able to enjoy a bit of sunshine......


robin cox walsh said...

Adorable! :D

Eileen H said...

Aww it suits him. Does Hamish expect an ice cream now?

William Adventures & Sketches said...

Robin....and he knows it. The little sod gets away with too much in this house, but then we are known as granny and grandad - yep! about says it all 🤣

Eileen.....Sshhh! we haven't told him there's some in the freezer!!!

sandy said...

so so cute.

Anonymous said...

LOL! I love him in his sun hat.
and any hat actually! he's very VERY dapper! and he knows it! XOXO

Sue said...

Hamish has a "way" with hats! He always looks so dapper when he has one on!

William Adventures & Sketches said...

Sandy.....he is cute, I walked into the sitting room today and he was sprawled out on the sofa, I think he's feeling like this is home! (When Lockdown eases, he will go home to his mum...we'll miss him).

Tammy....and he accepts a hat on his head like it's perfectly normal! lol

Sue.....the hats All suit him, it's quite remarkable! lol