Monday, 4 May 2020

Sofa slug

How can one small dog fill a whole sofa!


Eileen H said...

Quite easily by the looks of him :)

Sue said...

It's all in how you position the body! I am constantly amazed at how a 7 pound kitteh can take up so. much. bed!

Anonymous said...

I think Hamish feels totally at home! XO

robin cox walsh said...

LOL I especially like how you color coordinated the blanket with the dog! HAHAHAHAHA (A red blanket for a redhead! ) :D

William Adventures & Sketches said...

Eileen....he’s a bit like a slinky 🤣’s amazing what shapes they can achieve!

Tammy....we fear he does! 🤣🤣🤣

Robin...Yes, he sort of blends into it and we forget he’s there 😳🤣

sandy said...

how cute - i'm amazed when my cat stretches out how long she is.

C.L.W.STEP said...

Chester will do that quite often too! Maybe it's a cocker spaniel thing.

William Adventures & Sketches said...

Sandy....I know, they become slinkies 🤣

Chester....definitely cocker spaniel's rule ♡