Monday, 30 March 2020

That told him!


robin cox walsh said...

Aw, poor Hamish! How could he ever do anything wrong......snort! LOL ;)

Eileen H said...

Now he's sulking for a short while... maybe :)

Anonymous said...

awww.. he looks so little! and determined. LOLOL!
don't be a spoilsport Nana. he NEEDS up there! :D XO

William Adventures & Sketches said...

Robin, I know right! Lol

Eileen, he looked so upset....I did not relent, lol

Tammy, he tried, he really

Sue said...

Why do I get the feeling he did it anyway?!

William Adventures & Sketches said...

Sue....LOL...No, he really didn't! - not on that occasion anyway ;)