Wednesday, 9 August 2023

How to confuse Dottie

Note…..The video - Not me recording this or speaking, but Dottie’s mum.

A pleasant walk in the woods and an opportunity for Dottie to run off some energy, which she does!

Of course, pretending there is a squirrel up the tree gives Dottie the vocals…

(Click the picture below)….


robin cox walsh said...

Aw....poor Dottie....never gets to catch the skudgey! (Doesn't seem quite

William Adventures & Sketches said...

Robin……I’m glad Dottie doesn’t realise, she still thinks there was one up that tree, lol.

Eileen H said...

Aww poor Dottie, she's easily fooled :)

Sue said...

Sweet Dottie! She tries so hard!!

William Adventures & Sketches said...

Eileen……and totally gullible, it’s so funny to watch too - although on this occasion I wasn’t there to witness it :(

Sue…. And she wasn’t going to give up was she! Lol.