Wednesday, 26 April 2023


Barney loves a shoe!  He doesn’t destroy them, generally speaking, just likes to carry one around sometimes.


Eileen H said...

Aww he's a good boy. I wouldn't trust Tilly with my shoes :)

robin cox walsh said...

I would LOVE to know what goes on in their minds sometimes.....LOL Cute sketch!

William Adventures & Sketches said...

Eileen……he’s a funny little chap, bit of an introvert compared to Dottie the extrovert. 🙂

Robin…..As a kid I asked my gran that, she said it was probably better not to know! 🤣

Sue said...

Our Sakura kitty loves to stick her nose in daddies stanky shoes when he gets home from work.

William Adventures & Sketches said...
