Wednesday, 9 September 2020

The lesson for a young pupper



Sue said...

Cats will do that, since they rule the world! (Or so they think!)

Eileen H said...

So we know who's the boss in that house :)
Poor Barney!

robin cox walsh said...

He'll learn....the feline ALWAYS wins! ;)

Anonymous said...

awww... poor little guy. but he has to learn I guess.
that happened to my little cocker Sarah years ago.
she was just a puppy too. and I walked into the back bedroom
thinking it was too quiet. there she was pinned to the end of the bed scared to death!
between herself and the door was the CAT. standoff at the OK Corral. xo

William Adventures & Sketches said...

Thanks Sue, Eileen, Robin and Tammy......

Sue - they absolutely do Rule, certainly in Barney's household (we don't have a cat ourselves, can you imagine William!!! he's scared of them!!!)

Eileen...Yes, and for little Barney he has to cope with 2 cats - one cat is brave and as you see stands up for herself, the other cat is more timid and finds the intrusion of Barney hard to cope with...they'll get used to one another in time.

Robin....and they're usually smaller too, so they really are brave :)

Tammy....Oh my! poor Sarah, I guess you saved her 🙂