Thursday 9 July 2020

He looks so innocent doesn't he...


Eileen H said...

He looks adorable, like butter wouldn't melt in his mouth :)

Anonymous said...

he really DOES! LOL.
and he's such a tiny little guy.
doesn't he know you'd forgive him anything? xoxo

robin cox walsh said...

Cuteness is the only thing that saves them sometimes.....and they know it! :D

William Adventures & Sketches said...

Hi Eileen, Tammy and all see through that innocent little face, he's a crafty little beastie, so bright and uses it all to his favour! 🤣😍

Sue said...

Yes, but he's cute, so it's ok that he pulls all the toys out and leaves them for someone else to pick up!

William Adventures & Sketches said...

Sue....and very systematic with it he is. The determined little chap loves that game ♡

C.L.W.STEP said...

We've always said, there's nothing cuter (or brattier!) than a cocker spaniel puppy! We know from experience. Our angel Miss Ginger was quite a spit-fire when she was a pup, and used to hide on the steps waiting to ambush her big sister Charisma. Even our angel Joey dog was quite a handful when he was a little guy. Don't even ask what Chester was like as a pup! But they are so adorable, you can't help but forgive them for the tricks they play. All their love and kisses will make you forget about the puddle on the living room rug, and the shredded pillow, the tipped over trash bin, and the doggie kibble scattered all over the house. Enjoy those puppy years!

William Adventures & Sketches said...

Chester.......Oh you are so right! Young Barney pup is showing signs of, how can I say it, "Character"!!! But as the Doggy Day Care facility for a few weeks, we are happy to be a part of this growing and learning process. (please note I am saying this on a weekend when we don't have him) 🤣🤣🤣