Saturday, 23 May 2020

The surfing canine model

Got to share these recent photographs taken by our daughter,
Elizabeth ( Lil)


(did you spot William's new bandana that Lil gave him supporting the NHS & Key Workers - he's used to bandanas, we have another one that is kept for special)

and part of William's adventure included sharing the spotlight with some other surfers on the day -

~ Have a good weekend all and stay safe ~


Sue said...

I think if you built him a hut and supplied with with fresh water and and endless supply of fresh food, he would gladly just live at the beach. His smile just seems bigger there!
Lil is a great photographer!

Eileen H said...

Fabulous photos, your daughter is a very talented photographer!
I did spot William's bandana, it's really cool for William to support the NHS and key workers, well done William and Lil :)

William Adventures & Sketches said...

Sue...yes, he would agree and if I took his food and water to him at set times he would definitely really love that! 🀣

Eileen....Lil has an eye for a photo, don't know how she does it. William's best bandana is the one he keeps for best, from beloved Annie ♡

Anonymous said...

omgosh. these are simply WONDERFUL photos!
every one of them. your daughter is an artist like her mum!
and what can one say about William?
he only gets better and better. he just makes me HAPPY. XOXO

robin cox walsh said...

Lil is such a great photographer! (I think she might even be able to make ME look good! LOL) ;)

William Adventures & Sketches said...

Tammy.... Lil amazes me with her photography. Now we are able to travel a bit more (covid times) Lil is making the most of getting out there. πŸ“ΈπŸ™‚ she wouldn’t, after all why try to improve on perfection! πŸ€£πŸ˜‰

sandy said...

wow terrific photos and that bottom one with the guy and surfboard beautiful..of course william is.

William Adventures & Sketches said...

Sandy....Thanks, I'm letting Lil know how much her photos are liked πŸ‘