Oh, and he has had a haircut - his mum decided it was time to clip him all over
poor little chap
granny and grandad would never have gone that extreme
- only because we didn't have doggie clippers! -
(click the picture to see the video)
He looks so handsome with his new haircut! It will grow back quickly, I'm sure.
I LOVE his new haircut!!! it's perfect for summer.
I think HE thinks so too! LOL! what a delight.
he looks younger. and cleaner! LOL. well. ok.
my vote is registered I guess. :D XOXOXO
he might need new hats though!
Tell Hamish that pretty soon it will be my turn for a haircut. Right now my humans say I look like a floppy-moppy.
Lovely to see Hamish having a a ball with his frisbee :)
Sensible to have a short haircut in this hot weather.
Too cute! (The haircut and the love for his Frisbee!) :D
Thanks everyone ~ Sue ~ Tammy ~ Chester ~ Eileen ~ Robin.....I will tell Hamish's mum that she gets the vote of approval for the decision to give him his haircut. It's true, it is better for him in this warmer weather and he will stay cleaner now...he's a happy pup :)
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