Tuesday, 17 March 2020


robin cox walsh said...

To you too, William! (and all!) :D

Eileen H said...

William that is so sweet of you.
St Patrick's Day wishes from me too.

Sue said...

Hoping you had a wonderful St. Paddy's Day, William!
We are in full on "get this house packed up" mode! Hubby's new Georgia bosses called last week and his first day of work there is Apr 19! They had told us 3-4 months and it will be less than 2! We have friends coming on Sat to help load the storage unit, then it will be shipped to GA. His last day of work here is Apr 9.
All this while the coronavirus scare looms large here in Florida. Schools and colleges are closed, restaurants, bars, grocery stores, etc are all on shortened hours and have reduced the number of patrons allowed in at a time.

Anonymous said...

thank you William!
on behalf of me charmin' ole great grandfather Jack Tucker I thank ye!

William Adventures & Sketches said...

Sue.....that's a lot to deal with at this time. At least the move will focus you on something other than this virus. Keep us posted, will be thinking of you all 🏡