Friday, 10 January 2020

There are times he looks almost angelic!


Eileen H said...

I'm sure he is angelic.....just has his moments that's all :)

robin cox walsh said...

I know! They can be soooo deceiving sometimes, can't they? LOL ;)

William Adventures & Sketches said...

Eileen.....yes, the "moments" sometimes too often, lol

Robin.....the cute brown eyes get away with so much! lol

Sue said...

All he needs is a halo!

C.L.W.STEP said...

We cockers are so good at that! Especially when we've just finished shredding your socks in the other room.

sandy said...

and you captured beautifully his angelic nature.

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha! he is a furry angel!
except when he's not.
but truly... you have to admit he really IS an angel! XOXO
(I think he has the soul of an old movie star from the golden age of Hollywood!)

William Adventures & Sketches said...

Sue.....the halo would suit him 🤣

Chester.....this must be a cocker thing. Hamish is ok with most things, but his ultimate bestest thing is to Scratch up and destroy the covers on our sun-chairs! 😳

Thanks Sandy 🙂

Tammy, I know what you mean!!! What is it about this little terror! 🤣