Friday, 6 December 2019

Dad was away recently, so guess who had to chat with him...


Eileen H said...

Oh I bet they'd missed each's good to talk :)

Sue. W said...

As they do! Must have those afternoon chats!

Anonymous said...

but of course! dads aren't allowed to be away.
there's major ball throwing to be done at the beach and digging and hiking
and cows to stare down...
I could go on. hope the chat helped a little!

robin cox walsh said...

What a good dad to call home to speak to William! (I hope Mum's nose wasn't too far out of joint, lol!) ;)

Judy said...

A real 21th century dog! :)

William Adventures & Sketches said...

Obviously you all see what I have to put up with!!! 🤣🤣🤣