Monday, 14 October 2019

William's blogpost

"I had a great day yesterday.  Walkies, several times, including the BEACH which I LOVES.  And then to make my Birthday even more PERFECT, I got CUSTARD EGG TART.....Soooo Yummy.

Thanks mum and dad and everyone who sent me Birthday Wishes here and on Facebook....I know I am one lucky lad......❤️William"


Anonymous said...

what a little love you are sweet William!
I'm glad you had all your favorite things on your birthday! XO

Eileen H said...

So pleased you had a great birthday William.
You sure do love your egg custard tarts :)
We are the lucky ones sharing in your adventures here in Blogland xx

robin cox walsh said...

So glad you had a good birthday! You deserve it! :D

C.L.W.STEP said...

Oh, that looked super yummy! And you got to eat it all! Happy birthday William!

William Adventures & Sketches said...

"THANKS Tammy, Eileen, Robin and Chester.....I would have shared my egg custard tart, but Ooops! I ATE IT!!!! ....♥︎William" 🤣

Sue said...

"Do I want some more?!" Seriously, dad?! Does a bear...oh...nevermind!
Looks like you had a marvelous birthday, William. Thanks for sharing part of your day with us.

Judy said...

You had a perfect birthday!