Robin...Thanks, I'll tell her you said. She'll be delighted. Lil's actually preparing for a Christmas Fair at Arlington Court next month, over a weekend, where she will have her photography for sale, small prints, medium sized ones plus mouse mats and coasters. Putting a lot of effort into this, so we hope she does well.
Sandy......Lil (Elizabeth) has a Facebook Page here: Lil loves taking photos and is going to be having a table at the Christmas Craft Fair at Arlington Court next month 16th/17th Nov. I will do a blogpost about it then, and hopefully it will go well for her.
Thanks Ann ...i will go look! She knows how to frame a photo! plus the clarity, lighting,, etc.. it's such a beautiful photo - I imagine she will do well at the Christmas Craft Fair.
i LOVE this photo - it's beautiful.
Sandy.....Thanks. This is another photo taken by daughter Lil 🙂 📸
They look so happy together.
Agreed, another lovely photo :)
Eileen....when Hamish visits, he slots straight into the routine :)
Look at those smiles! The beach truly IS their happy place!
my favorite grinning boys!!! XO
Lil sure has a way with a camera! Great photo! ♥♥♥♥
Sue....and they never want to leave it either! 🤣
Tammy...aren't they just! lol 😍
Robin...Thanks, I'll tell her you said. She'll be delighted. Lil's actually preparing for a Christmas Fair at Arlington Court next month, over a weekend, where she will have her photography for sale, small prints, medium sized ones plus mouse mats and coasters. Putting a lot of effort into this, so we hope she does well.
A great photo! Lil is very talented!
Thanks Judy....I'll tell her you said this, she will be very pleased :)
wow would love to see more of her photography - ...
Sandy......Lil (Elizabeth) has a Facebook Page here:
Lil loves taking photos and is going to be having
a table at the Christmas Craft Fair at
Arlington Court next month 16th/17th Nov.
I will do a blogpost about it then, and
hopefully it will go well for her.
Thanks Ann ...i will go look! She knows how to frame a photo! plus the clarity, lighting,, etc.. it's such a beautiful photo - I imagine she will do well at the Christmas Craft Fair.
Thanks Sandy, Lil will be pleased you like her work. Hopefully the Christmas Craft Fair will be a good one 👍
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