Monday 29 July 2019

We had spent about 30 minutes on the beach

Guess who literally stood there

DEMANDING to go back down to the sea

He was NOT going to leave until he Won!


Anonymous said...

oh sweet boy!
30 minutes is just not enough when it's your MOSTEST FAVORITEST place!!!
I'm sure you got the message across. LOL

robin cox walsh said...

I'll take odds on who won! ;)

C.L.W.STEP said...

Hey, stand your ground William! (At least until dinner time.)

Eileen H said...

30 minutes obviously not enough for the lad :)

William Adventures & Sketches said...

Tammy, he can ALWAYS get the message across 🤣

Robin.....yep! you got it!! 🤣 certainly are on William's wave length 🤣

Eileen....he tells us in his own sweet way, we NEVER stay on the beach long enough 🤣