Wednesday 17 April 2019

Born to be a water dog


Sue said...

He sure makes the most of it, doesn't he?!

Eileen H said...

It's strange isn't it, some dogs love water and Annie has always been afraid of the waves :)

robin cox walsh said...

You need to make all these into a book! :D

Anonymous said...

that is beautiful! just beautiful!
he is beautiful when he's wet though. but you capture it so well!

William Adventures & Sketches said...

Sue, he hates to leave, no matter if it's a river or the ocean.

Eileen, William could have taught Annie to love it, but I fear William is a bit too long in the tooth now :(

Robin, this has been said, it's great that you think they would be good enough though ;)

Tammy, thanks so much :)

sandy said...

beautiful art - and adorable wet william.

C.L.W.STEP said...

You sure are a beach bum, William! Glad you get to have such a great time!

William Adventures & Sketches said...

Thanks Sandy, gouache paint is a lovely easy going medium to use :)

"Chester....I certainly am a beach bum and would stay down on the beach ALL DAY if I got the chance....♥︎William"