Tuesday 3 July 2018

One very hot dog

at least there's a cooling breeze off the sea


Judy said...

Keep cool, William! Thankgod for the breeze!

William Adventures & Sketches said...

Amazing how he manages to seek out the cool spots around the house. At the moment we feel as though we're melting here. Shouldn't complain, we just aren't used to this sort of weather. It did rain yesterday...I've never been so pleased to see rain before, lol 🌧☔️

Anonymous said...

we have been under what the weather guys call a 'heat dome' it seems forever.
but we are used to extreme heat and no rain here where I am.
(probably why I love your site so much!)
weather all over the world is changing.
our states in the north and east are having horrible temperatures. and they're not used to it. it can be dangerous. seriously! be careful. xoxo

Eileen H said...

Yes, every bit of breeze is very welcome! No rain here Ann, will you send some of yours ASAP?

C.L.W.STEP said...

I hope you took a nice cool dip in the sea, William.

robin cox walsh said...

I can't even imagine how hot you get when you're wearing a permanent fur coat! :(

William Adventures & Sketches said...

We are adapting okay. So nice to have good weather for day after day, but keeping windows open and curtain closed, keeps the house cool. No air-con here, but then we don't usually need it. Bet we will be complaining about rain before long, lol.

William Adventures & Sketches said...

LOL....thanks Eileen, at least I'll know where it came from when we get it 🌧

William Adventures & Sketches said...

He did, thanks Chester. Although William doesn't swim in the sea, he does dip his toes and gets a 'body wash' from the waves 🌊

William Adventures & Sketches said...

"Tell me about it!!!!......♡William"

Sue said...

It was 94 on our back porch in Florida yesterday. Sakura LOVED it! Her momma? Motsomuch! We didn't stay out long.
You drink lots of water when you are outside, William! Puppers need to stay hydrated too!

William Adventures & Sketches said...

94, 😳 Oh boy that's HOT!!! Think I would melt. William agrees, keeping hydrated is important, and he definitely makes sure he has a fresh cold drink 🙂